In "Not All Those Who Wander," Michael Pierson, an Oceanic Society Naturalist, embarks on a singular mission: to find Morris, the only northern gannet in the Pacific, who has vanished in the aftermath of severe winter storms that battered California.
Michael, a gay man who was kicked out of his family home due to his sexual orientation, shares a deep, unspoken connection with Morris. Both are far from their original homes, and Michael sees his own resilience reflected in Morris's struggle to adapt to an unfamiliar environment.
Through this captivating narrative, "Not All Who Wander" explores the unique bond between a man and a bird, offering a moving testament to the powerful connection between nature and the human spirit.
With breathtaking locations and an emotionally charged storyline, the film showcases the unwavering determination of a man who sees himself in an unlikely feathered friend. Michael ultimately finds solace in the notion that, indeed, not all those who wander are lost.