Half Moon Bay Gray Whale Watching Sightings: March 16th, 2019

Around this time of year Gray Whales embark on the northern portion of their migration, moving away from their winter breeding and birthing lagoons of Baja California, towards their summer feeding grounds in Alaska.

On Saturday March 16th 2019, the weather had started to improve, and the rain and wind of the previous few weeks gave way to sunshine and calm seas. As we boarded the boat a single sea lion seemed curious to our presence, watching us as he swam around the boat before disappearing into the water.

A single Sea Lion swimming around our boat as its docked in the harbor.

As we left the harbor, we were greeted by the usual array of gulls, cormorants, murres, and other species of pelagic birds perched on the rock walls of the harbor. As we pushed out into the Pacific Ocean we came across a buoy with California Sea Lions and a Single enormous Stella Sea Lion enjoying the warmth of the sun.  

Cormorants and Gulls basking in the early morning sun.


Stella Sea lion enjoying the welcomed change in weather.

Captain Jared Davis informed us that the weather today would really improve our chances of finding whales, but also said nothing was guaranteed, as this isn’t sea world. However, 45 min into the trip we came across our first whale sighting of the weekend, a lone Gray Whale spotted on the horizon and moving North.


A lone Gray Whale moving north up the California coast line at Half Moon Bay.

As the whale got closer, it eventually surfaced next to us and gave us fantastic sightings of blows and flukes. We followed it for around twenty minutes and watched as it would come up two or three times for a breath, then dive underwater for about five to twelve minutes before resurfacing again. After giving us one last look, the whale did a final dive and Captain Jarred suggested that we head back south to see if we could find more whales.


It did not take long for us to find more whales, as we came across what would later be discovered to be a group (2-3 individuals) of sexually immature adolescents making the trip up to Alaska together. They followed the same pattern of taking a couple breaths then diving down for five to twelve minutes. Jared expertly maneuvered us to where he predicted the whales would resurface, and sure enough like clock work the whales would resurface. We followed these guys for around twenty to thirty minutes before they went for one final long dive, and we decided to leave them continue in peace.


A young Gray Whale traveling north up the California coast in a small group of 2 possibly 3 individuals.

After running out of time Jared reluctantly told us that we needed to head back to port, so we left the whales continue their journey and we headed back to shore. Passengers eagerly shared photos and discussing the days events while enjoying the pleasant California spring weather.



Total Sightings:

-Common Murres

-Brandt’s and Double Crested Cormorants

- California Sea lions

- 1 Stella Sea lion

- 3-possibly 4- Gray Whales Half Moon Bay Gray Whale Watching Sightings: March 16th, 2019